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Aerial Pilates® Educational Seminar

Aerial Pilates® Educational Seminar


Varvara Solomonidou


Aerial Pilates®

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AthensTrainers® organizes the “AERIAL PILATES®” Educational Seminar. It is a new approach of the the Traditional Method of PILATES , but also a unique practice inspired by the popular AERIAL YOGA. We take advantage of the micro adjustments the body makes constantly because of the movement of the hammock. Both senses of proprioception and balance can heighten through practice. The range of motion in every joint is increased. This means better flexibility and elasticity. Also, 20% to 80% of our body weight is transferred to the hammock increasing or decreasing the difficulty of the traditional exercises. The use of the fabric decompresses the spine significantly. The center/core gets stronger. The hammock is hanging down from two points, forming the English letter U. This, allows us  to perform standing, kneeling, sedentary, supine and prone exercises, in and out of the hammock. Each hammock supports at least 500 kg., so there is no fear of falling down. Things are important:
  1. the initial position and handles
  2. the constant tension that the handles exert on the hammock
  3. the exercises’ flow
  4. concentration
  5. our ability to remain in the variation or modification according to our physical condition
Aerial Pilates® is not allowed in case of:
  • Pregnancy
  • C- cection
  • Glaucoma
  • Recent surgical procedures
  • Heart problems
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Osteoporosis-Osteopenia
The seminar includes :
  • standing exercises
  • rib hang exercises
  • exercises in the hammock
  • sitting position in the hammock exercises
  • hip hang exercises
  • supine position exercises
  • kneeling side kick series
  • side lying series
  • side planks
  • seated exercises
  • prone position exercises
  • stretches
Safety and hygiene rules will be marked during the seminar. There will be a briefing about contraindications for taking part in an Aerial Pilates® class. Training material: The student receives a folder with informative material, pen, block and Aerial Pilates® manual with photos. Aerial Pilates® Seminar Requirements: The student must have Mat Level I Certification. Instructor Varvara Solomonidou Sunday May 14,  10:00-18:00 This seminar is designed for Certified TEFAA Teachers, TEFAA Students, Physiotherapists and Graduates of corresponding Foreign Universities Recognized by the Greek State according  to the  Greek Legislation. Information: 6950614115/info@athenstrainers.gr

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Varvara Solomonidou, Wellness Specialist, Personal Trainer, founded ATHENSTRAINERS® & the “ATHENSTRAINERS® ULTIMATE PILATES SYSTEM®”.